US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, 88th Regional Support Command, Fort Snelling, MN
White Shield (WSI) supported the USACE and the 88th Regional Support Command with the removal and disposal of lead-contaminated materials at the former indoor firing range at WA024 Wagenaar US Army Reserve Center (USARC), located at Pasco, WA. Prior to executing the work, WSI prepared an Accident Prevention Plan, Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan, and specific operational procedures necessary to protect all personnel at the work site. A good-faith asbestos survey was also conducted prior to the beginning of the lead abatement work. All management and planning functions were provided for this project, which included planning project activities, schedule activities and milestones, reports on resource status, and reports on activities and progress toward accomplishing the project objectives, and documenting the results of the project efforts. Operational procedures included plans for hazardous materials in the areas of safety, materials handling, disposal treatment, and verification for remedial actions. White Shield retained an independent third-party to provide clearance sampling in the areas of the firing line, impact area, and near any previous ventilation areas. In addition to the 14 clearance samples, two duplicate samples and a blank sample were also collected for QA purposes. This samplingwas conducted after the application of sealant, paint, and tile to the applicable surfaces. Test results met the criteria of <50µg pb/sq ft for occupancy on newly sealed or resurfaced ceilings, walls and floor.