Central Link Light Rail Alignment Phase I and II Environmental Site Investigations, Seattle, WA; Garry Struthers & Associates for Sound Transit
White Shield provided support for Alignment Screening, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and Phase II ESA Subsurface Investigations for properties along segments of the Central Link Light Rail Alignment for Sound Transit in Seattle, Washington. During Alignment Screening and Phase I ESAs, White Shield identified recognized environmental conditions for each property. At sites requiring Phase II ESAs, subsurface investigations were conducted per ASTM standards in order to define and characterize the extent of the contamination. Typical soil and groundwater contaminants in the Rainier Valley area of Seattle include petroleum products, priority pollutant metals, and solvents. As a member of the consulting team for this alignment, White Shield assisted Sound Transit real estate agents and assessors and coordinated with the owners of the properties in order to obtain rights-of-entry to sites. White Shield also provided an interpreter for the predominantly Asian community.