by Stuart Fricke | Mar 24, 2017
Washington State Department of Natural Resources White Shield provided post–remedial action groundwater monitoring services at a former pesticide warehouse located at the DNR Webster Nursery in Tumwater, Washington. The nursery covers approximately 270 acres but the...
by Stuart Fricke | Mar 24, 2017
CH2M Hill for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 White Shield assisted CH2M-Hill and EPA with oversight of the remedial action taken by ASARCO under CERCLA at the main ASARCO facility and smelter site north of Tacoma, and at Ruston, WA. The actions...
by Stuart Fricke | Mar 24, 2017
CH2MHill for Sound Transit White Shield is currently supporting CH2MHill with the completion of the Sound Transit East Link Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The study area comprises multiple alternative routes for the proposed Link Light Rail system...
by Stuart Fricke | Mar 24, 2017
Lead Paint Risk Assessment and Stabilization, Malheur National Forest, John Day, OR; USDA Forest Service Region 6 This project entailed initial lead inspections, risk assessments, and lead paint abatement and remediation of 41 USFS historic buildings, ranging from...
by Stuart Fricke | Mar 24, 2017
General Services Administration White Shield supported the General Services Administration with air monitoring services at Richland, WA Federal Building during contractor removal of asbestos containing materials. The work was performed after normal business hours when...