Lead-based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessments, Various Naval Bases, WA; URS for the Department of Navy

Lead Based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessments

Lead-based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessments, Various Naval Bases, WA; URS for the Department of Navy

White Shield provided lead-based paint inspection and risk assessment services at naval housing facilities located on various naval facilities throughout the Puget Sound Region. The project involved the use of an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer and physical sampling of suspected lead-based paint containing material, as well as providing electronic documentation and daily reports. Facilities included the Bangor Naval Submarine Base, the Bremerton Naval Shipyard, and the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station with over 110 housing units assessed. constituent in the water. Coordination between the Department of Ecology and the Port of Benton was provided to identify remedial options for the soils and groundwater.